Federal Supply Code 5961, Semiconductor Devices and Associated Hardware, is comprised of all items related to semiconductors. Semiconductors are materials with electrical conductivity levels falling somewhere between true conductors such as copper and insulators such as glass, generally semiconductors are made of silicon. FSC 5961 includes semiconductor assemblies, semiconductor diodes, semiconductor rectifiers, semiconductor thyristors, transistors, unitized semiconductors, and all associated hardware except sockets. Note that FSC 5961 does not include microcircuits, optoelectronic devices and associated hardware, nor sockets. For microcircuits, see FSC 5962. For optoelectronic devices, see FSC 5980. For sockets, see FSC 5935. Browse and request a quote for top parts like 0 5M6 8AZ2, 0-008592, 0-01148-102, 0-049, 0-067 under FSC 5961 Semiconductor Devices and Associated Hardware.
For more information about FSC 5961 or FSG 59, or to request a quote, please feel free to get in touch with a member of our sales team by phone at our toll-free number +1-780-851-3631 or by email at sales@nsnpartsnow.com . We are available 24/7, 365 days a year.
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